RequestChoice "Install update?" "This script will install the latest*Nversion of Poseidon V2.2*Nto your MorphOS system.*NA MOS1.4 base installation is required!*NDo you want to proceed?" "Continue|Cancel" >ENV:RCResult
RequestChoice "Install Trident?" "Do you want to install the*Nseparate Trident USB Preferences?*NThis is not mandatory as they are*Nalso available through the*NSystem prefs.*NTrident will be installed into SYS:Prefs." "Install Trident|Skip" >ENV:RCResult
If $RCResult EQ 1
Copy InstallData/Trident#? SYS:Prefs CLONE
RequestChoice "Install complete!" "Install complete.*N*NYou need to add the following line*Nto your SYS:MorphOS/s/startup-sequence*Nfile before the IPrefs command:*N*NPoseidonROMUpdate*N*NOtherwise the update will not take fully effect." "I wrote this down." >NIL: